<div>I find it interesting that introducing such a polemic consistently creates this sort of response.<br>Please read closer; note that I say that I have no real expectation of destroying Intel, but perhaps to create another class of computing, and shifting the crux of innovation to software craft. <br><br>In addition, I also understand that technodeterminism will remain. I merely polemically question the real value of what we have done, and whether other models could be useful. <br><br>I also argue that in many ways (not all), much of computer use since the 1980's has NOT fundamentally changed, given certain constraints.<br><br>Ned Ludd has not channeled through me, lads. I'm thinking about sustainability, reduction of toxic production, streamlining of ubiquitous computation, futurism vs. 30-year old evolitionary trends, etc. I am not necessarily calling for my slide rule, but perhaps for my Gibsonian "Sandbenders" computer. While some are thinking that I am being regressive, I feel that this could be very forward thinking, if executed in the proper way.<br><br>On another list, someone asked if I were drunk...<br><br>Good, good!<br><br><br><br><b><br><blockquote class="xoEncapsulatedBody" style="margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 0px;">Simon Biggs <s.biggs@eca.ac.uk> wrote:</blockquote>
</b><blockquote class="xoEncapsulatedBody" style="border-left: 2px solid blue; margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 10px;">
<font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 12px;">John is right. Turing’s idea of the universal machine works (as an idea) in so many contexts because it is both simple and low-tech.<br>
It could be argued that any socially relevant technology needs to change constantly, just like the society that produces (and is enabled by) it. I would cite language as a technology which is an exemplar of this. It is important that it is fixed enough that we can share a degree of understanding in its use. However, it is equally important that it is fluid and motile, allowing for new formations of signification and community. If it sometimes get broken or abused as a result of this – well, that’s not so bad. It is part of change.<br>
Bill Gates may have argued that operating systems should be like the interfaces we employ to drive cars (all the same) but one can just look at this idea in practice (Windows) to see how wrong he was.<br>
One could argue that it is cars and traffic systems that are unsustainable in their fixity. I accept that without clear shared rules, that change with due preparation, our transport systems would cease to function (one outcome of this would be the use of less carbon and thus enhanced sustainability) however we have only had cars and roads, in their current high density/performance form, for less than one hundred years. That is not a long enough period of time to evaluate the sustainability of such a fixed system. In fact, it looks like as a system it will be redundant before we have that opportunity.<br>
The 2nd law of thermodynamics may be relevant here...<br>
On 29/9/08 04:38, "John Hopkins" <jhopkins@tech-no-mad.net> wrote:<br>
</span></font><blockquote><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 12px;">>The 50-year Computer<br>
>Manifestos for Computational Sustainability, I<br>
>I have a proposition to make - when I am ready for my first mind/body<br>
>transplant in 2058, at age 95, I want to be using the same computer I am<br>
>today. Upon first look, both may seem outlandish by today's standards, but<br>
but this IS techno-determinism in the form of a 'sustainable-user-centered-design' exercise...<br>
fingers and toes and perhaps an abacus on the side should do nicely, or perhaps consider a slip-stick.<br>
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</span></font></blockquote><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br>
Simon Biggs<br>
Research Professor<br>
<font color="#fe7700">edinburgh college of art<br>
</font>s.biggs@<font color="#fe7700">eca</font>.ac.uk<br>
www.<font color="#fe7700">eca</font>.ac.uk<br>
AIM/Skype: simonbiggsuk<br>
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