Hello all,<br><br>Trebor has asked me to introduce myself and my artwork.<br><br>I am an incoming Assistant Professor at West Virginia University's Dept. of Art & Design. My artwork normally revolves around individual service offerings that utilize audience generated content. The following three pieces specifically deal with aspects of labor and play:<br>
<br>• "Bureau of Workplace Interruptions" (<a href="http://www.interruptions.org">http://www.interruptions.org</a>) offers workers random communications designed to disrupt their workday.<br><br>• "Chris Barr is Available on Thursday" (<a href="http://availableonthursday.com/">http://availableonthursday.com/</a>) allowed internet participants to assign me tasks two months.<br>
<br>• "CosWork" (<a href="http://chrisbarr.net/projects/coswork/">http://chrisbarr.net/projects/coswork/</a>) is a small series of photos of CosPlayers (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosplay">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosplay</a>) in costume in their work environments.<br>
<br>A thought: In what I believe is the most important sentence in A Grammar of the Multitude, Paolo Virno writes, "Nobody is as poor as those who see their own relation to the presence of others, that is to say, their own communicative faculty, their own possession of a language, reduced to wage labor." Should he consider replacing "wage labor" with "advertising opportunity" in a future edition?<br>
<br>I have been enjoying the conversations happening on this list for some time and hope to emerge further out of lurkerdom in the future.<br><br>Play well,<br>Chris Barr<br><a href="http://www.chrisbarr.net">http://www.chrisbarr.net</a><br>