[mapping] mapping proposal - Trebor

catadores catadores at uol.com.br
Mon Dec 20 08:34:00 EST 2004

agora que estou um pouquinho mais tranquila,
´posso falar contigo sobre isso:
 o que vamos mapear?
 como fazemos?
  do que se trata?
 eu não conseguia pensar em mais nada, até agora.
beijos, fabi

 Hello Trebor and friends,
> I'm Mila and I expect being with you in this work. 
> I would like to frame the town center as a working area, 
like Arthur. 
> I'm deeply interested in relations and neighboorhood 
created between 'oficial' inhabitants of the old center and 
the homeless people who ocupy it pointing different ways of 
living -  fragile and instable forms, subversive use of the 
public equipaments, etc.
> But once the focus is on  the relations and its complexity, 
I believe that the resulting graffic would not point dots on 
the map, but blurred zones around dots on the map.
> As written by Ignasi de Solá-Morales, when talking about 
architecture's critical role, criticism today can undertake 
the production of maps or descriptions wich, like 
topographical charts, reveal the complexity of a territory...
> And for the purpose or use of the SPMAP? we are going to 
build, I'll talk trough the same author:
> Criticism is thus not the recognition or manifestation of 
branches but is itself a construct, purposefully produced to 
cast light on that situation, as a means of drawing the 
topography of that point where a certain architecture has 
been produced.
> Sorry for my poor english and I hope my friends can give me 
a helping hand when I have to write in portuguese.
Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela.
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