[Experimental-intermedia] EI December 2015, concerts

Phill Niblock pniblock at compuserve.com
Sat Nov 14 13:05:52 UTC 2015

The Forty-second Anniversary of EIperformances at 224 Centre Street, The Forty-seventh Anniversary of theFounding of Experimental Intermedia, the Forty-seventh Anniversary of the 224Centre Street loft, and, not least, The Twenty-sixth Annual Festival  withno fancy name, Part One (or A)      PhillNiblock, curator                 December2015
Richard Garet  and MV Carbon  (New York)              Sunday13
Carbon (sonic strings, reel to reel tape, projection, oscillations,synthesis, and magic mechanisms) and Garet (electromagnetic waves, treatedtape, cracked media, sonification of light, background noise, computerprocessing, and projections), will join efforts to encapsulate the audience inan electronically induced, altered atmosphere, their sonics and projection transmutewith an alchemical style    http://mvcarbon.com -- http://www.richardgaret.com
Nao Nishihara(Japan)              Tuesday15
Gives a solo performance shedding light on the basic aspect of a humanbeing in the 21st century, using several sound equipments and accompanied byself-made machines with a simple mechanism, he tries to prompt himself andaudience to reconsider the human, the music and the space         http://nishiharanao.blogspot.jp/
Kato Hideki, John King and Ursula Scherrer (Japan/USA/Switzerland)            Wednesday16
Amorphous III - Kato (electronics and bass) and King (electronics andviola) with Ursula Scherrer  (live visuals) will present their firstcollaboration, a performative installation of sound and light in which temporaland spatial changes (or no changes) are determined in real time; the audienceis encouraged to walk around during the installation   katohideki.com  johnkingmusic.com  ursulascherrer.com
NicCollins (Chicago)              Thursday17
Salvaged:he celebrates the release of his first DVD (with 5.1 sound!) with a concert ofmusic for multiple computers; with performances by PLOrk (The Princeton LaptopOrchestra) and special guests.  www.nicolascollins.com,http://plork.princeton.edu/index.php
George Kentros, Mattias Petersson,  Susanne Skog (Sweden)             Friday18
"there are no more four seasons," a duo comprised of violinistKentros and live electronic musician, Petersson - will perform a 40-minuterecreation of the Biber passacaglia, reBiber, for violin, Kaoss pad, andcomputer; Skog´s sonic artwork thisevening is a premiere, referring to signals from radio beacons that once wererelied upon to navigate a route across the Baltic Sea  http://www.nomoremusic.se    http://www.susanneskog.se 
This project is supported by the Swedish ArtsCouncil and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Chris Mann (New York,Australia)               Saturday19
Things i'd like to have said   -               for example, www.theuse.info
Phill NiblockDVD presentation              Sunday27
A new DVD on the VonArchives label (Italy) by PhillNiblock: T H I R, a film from 1971/72, of materials from nature, and alternatemusics, with notes by Abigail Nelson and Juan Carlos Kase; Carlos Casas, theproducer, will be present
Our programs are supportedby The David & Sylvia Teitelbaum Fund, Inc, the Aaron Copland Fund forMusic, the Phaedrus Foundation, and the New York State Council on the Arts withthe support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature
224 Centre Street at Grand, Third Floor, N Y 10013   212431 5127, 431 6430
www.experimentalintermedia.org andwww.XIrecords.org     9pm   
Phill Niblockat Roulette for Six Hours of Music and Film on December 21, from 5pm to 11pm -the Winter Solstice (Roulette Intermedium,Inc, 509 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11217, www.roulette.org)
XI CDs arenow available for sale on the www.XI Records.org website
PhillNiblock - Four Full Flutes (XI 101); Lois V Vierk - Simoom (XI 102); GuyKlucevsek - Flying Vegetables Of The Apocalypse (XI 104); David Behrman -Unforeseen Events (XI 105); Tom Johnson - Music For 88 (Xi 106); Mary JaneLeach - Celestial Fires (Xi 107); Fast Forward - Same Same (XI 108); EllenFullman - Body Music (XI 109); Jackson Mac Low - Open Secrets (XI 110); PhillNiblock - Music By Phill Niblock (XI 111); Allison Cameron - Raw Sangudo (XI112); Daniel Goode - Clarinet Songs (XI 113); Mary Ellen Childs - Kilter (XI114); Richard Lainhart - Ten Thousand Shades Of Blue (XI 115); Peter Zummo -Experimenting With Household Chemicals (XI 116); Logos Duo - Logos Works (XI117); Annea Lockwood/Ruth Anderson - Sinopah (XI 118); Eliane Radigue -Trilogie De La Mort (XI 119); Malcolm Goldstein - The Seasons: Vermont (XI120); Phill Niblock - YPGPN (XI 121); Paul Panhuysen - Partitas For LongStrings (XI 122); Tom Johnson - The Chord Catalogue (XiI 123); Ellen Band - 90%Post Consumer Sound (Xi 124); Philip Corner - 40 Years And One (Xi 125); GenKen Montgomery - Pondfloorsample (XI 126); Michael J. Schumacher - Room Pieces(Xi 127); Alan Licht - A New York Minute (XI 128); David Behrman - My DearSiegfried (XI 129); Warren Burt - The Animation Of Lists And The ArchytanTranspositions (XI 130); Matt Rogalsky - Memory Like Water (XI 131); DavidWatson - Fingering An Idea (XI 132); Michael J. Schumacher - Five SoundInstallations (XI 133) (Dvd-Rom); David First – Privacy Issue (XI 134); CharlieMorrow – Toot! (XI 135); Michael Vincent Waller – The South Shore (XI 136); 
ComingSoon: Releases By Ulrich Krieger (XI 137) And Leslie Ross (XI 138)
TheFollowing Releases Are 2 Cds For The Price Of 1: XI 115, XI 121, XI 126, XI127, XI 128, XI 129, XI 130, XI 131, XI 132, XI 136; The Following Releases Are3 Cds For The Price Of 2: XI 119, XI 134, XI 135
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