[Experimental-intermedia] Last days in 2024 to SAVE THE DAT(S) ! - (EI NYC audio recordings 1986-2009)

Katherine Liberovskaya katlib7 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 22:20:19 UTC 2024

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Dear Friends of Experimental Itermedia,

Last 2024 chance to *SAVE THE *DAT*(S) !*

Just a friendly reminder that these are the last days in 2024 for fully
tax-deductible donations of any amount *specifically for help with the
preservation of the portion of the Experimental Intermedia archive
consisting of some 400 DATs, recorded between1986 and 2009, which could
completely deteriorate if nothing is done soon.*

EIF is around the corner from getting through its first full year of
activities post-Phill Niblock, not without many difficulties, under the
curation of new Artistic Director Katherine Liberovskaya and the help of a
number of invaluable assistants. While we are looking ahead and
contemplating various approaches to continue, and perhaps modify, EIF's
programs into the future, we also face the important challenge of finding a
worthy home for the extensive EIF archive.

Experimental Intermedia Foundation, founded in 1968 by Elaine Summers, has
been presenting performances as of 1973. Since that time, Phill Niblock has
produced and curated over 1500 concerts at his NYC loft, opening his doors
to hundreds of composers, providing them with a place to explore the use of
new ideas and technologies in their music. His original plan had been to
choose 20 composers whose work interested him and then present them every
year, giving an audience a chance to observe how their careers evolved over
time. But each year the numbers grew and soon Experimental Intermedia was
producing 35 to 50 concerts a year.

What has made the Experimental Intermedia series different from other
concert series is that each evening was typically focused on only one
artist's music, as opposed to a musician or ensemble playing the works of
many different composers.

Archiving these concerts has been a primary concern for Experimental
Intermedia, and each concert since 1978 has been recorded on audio and, as
of the 1980s, video. The goal was, on the one hand, to provide the
performing artists with high quality recordings of their work, on the other
to constitute a physical historical record of work presented at EIF that
could eventually find a home in an institution that would make the material
available to the general public and for archival research. From 1973
through the late 80s the recordings were analog, and after that, in digital
formats. From the late 80s to the mid 2000s the audio format EIF used was

Since 2017-18 there has been quite a bit of interest in EIF's archive from
different institutions, even one informal agreement for it to be taken
leading us to believe that it would be off our hands by 2020. But then the
pandemic halted everything... to not ever come back to how anything was
pre-Covid. And thus, here we are 8 years later with no concrete
developments with any previous interested parties, no confirmation for the
archive going anywhere... A stand-still.

And the problem is that the entire audio archive from the late 80's to
2008-09 is all on DAT. Some 400 DATs. (See below the impressive list of all
artists presented by EIF between 1986 and 2009, most recorded on DAT,
except for screenings or other non-music). And DAT tapes are notoriously
unstable. They degrade over time. That means you can't rely on them as a
long-term preservation tool. In fact, DAT tapes can degrade completely in
just 20 years. When you bear in mind that the earliest DAT tapes date back
to 1986. And recordings made at that time are now nearly 40 years old. So,
they may already have begun to deteriorate. Digitizing them as quickly as
possible is vital and urgent to prevent their contents from being lost

Now EIF has been given a very generous estimate for their transfer to
digital from a local sound engineer (who was one of Phill’s favorites), and
we would like to move forward on this process as soon as possible.

To this end we are hoping to raise $8,000.00 to cover the cost of this

But whatever we can raise we will use to start the process of transferring
little by little, and seek more funds to continue later.

So, if you were inspired, challenged or moved by Experimental Intermedia
Foundation's programming over the past 50 odd years, or if you performed
yourself, or have come to see friends perform, or to see any of your
experimental music heroes... we hope you will consider supporting this
fundraising effort. Your fully tax-deductible donation of any amount can be
crucial for SAVING THE DAT(S) or at least some of the DATs !

Donations can be made through the "Donate" button on the landing page of
our website:

https://experimentalintermedia.org (PayPal) or by sending a check by mail.

Many thanks to all who have donated so far which has allowed us to already
start transferring the first 50 DATs of the Experimental Intermedia NYC
archive (the oldest DATs from the 80s and early 90s).

In gratitude,
The Elaine Summers Experimental Intermedia Foundation
224 Centre Street, #3W
New York, NY, 10013

*EI NYC ARTISTS 1986-2009*

*- 1986 / 1987:* Bonnie Barnett, David Behrman and Angela Greene, Gregg
Bendian, Robert Black, David Borden, Warren Burt, Edmond Chibeau, Marek
Choloniewski, Tony Conrad, Hawley Currens, Stuart Dempster, Nick Didkovsky
and Yves Duboin, Phil Edelstein, James Emery, Ensemble Antidogma, Angelika
Festa, Fast Forward, Russell Frehling, James Fulkerson, Ellen Fullman,
Michael Gordon, Shelley Hirsch, Earl Howard, The Hub (John Bischoff, Chris
Brown, Scott Gresham-Lancaster, Tim Perkis, Phil Stone, Mark Trayle),
Julius, Jin Hi Kim, Takehisa Kosugi, Larry Kucharz, Ron Kuivila, Richard
Lainhart, Mary Jane Leach, Jackson MacLow and Anne Tardos, Denman Maroney,
Ben Neill, Phill Niblock, Michael Peppe, Tom Plsek, Godfried-Willem Raes
and Moniek Darge, Peter Rose, Mary Ross, Jeffrey Schanzer and Bernadette
Speach, Stefano Scodanibbio, James Sellars and Finn Byrhard, Dan Senn,
James Staley, Ushio Torikai, Livio Tragtenberg, and Peter Zummo

*- 1987 / 1988:* K Atchley, David Behrman, Samm Bennett and Takashi
Kazamaki, Marion Brandis, Joseph Celli and Jin Hi Kim, Rhys Chatham,
Anthony Coleman, Gyula Csapo, Lesli Dalaba, Robert Dick and Steve Gorn,
Mark Dresser, Phil Edelstein, David First, David Fulton, Barbara Golden,
Malcolm Goldstein, Daniel Goode, Tom Guralnick, Gerry Hemmingway, Ed
Herrmann and Bob Beswick, Bill Horvitz, John Bischoff, Kumiko Kimoto, John
King and Ed Hynes, Guy Klucevsek, Petr Kotik, Richard Lerman, Robert
Mandel, Pierre Marietan, Don Metz and John Toth, Phill Niblock, Morgan
O'Hara, Joseph Pinzarrone, Larry Polansky, Ronald Robboy, Herb Robertson,
Ned Rothenberg, Norman Salant and Benjamin Bossi, Myrna Schloss, Armand
Schwerner and Ellen Zweig, Elliot Sharp, Alan Sondheim, Susan Stenger,
Yasunao Tone, Peter Zummo and Stephani Woodward

*- 1988 / 1989:* David Behrman, Warren Burt, Joseph Celli, Joel Chadabe,
Rhys Chatham, Phil Corner, John Driscoll, David Gibson, Jon Gibson, Malcolm
Goldstein and Simone Forti, Daniel Goode, William Hellerman, Larry Johnson,
Guy Klucevsek, Alison Knowles, Takehisa Kosugi, Petr Kotik, Mary Jane
Leach, Garrett List, Annea Lockwood, Jackson MacLow and Anne Tardos, Linda
Montano, Phill Niblock and Muna Tseng, Wil Offermans and Junko Ueda, Joseph
Pinzarrone, Eliane Radigue, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Don
Ritter and George Lewis, Ned Rothenberg, Arthur Russell, Tibor Szemszõ and
Peter Forgacs, Lois V Vierk, and Yoshi Wada

*- 1989 / 1990:* David Behrman, Robert Black and Richard Zvonar, Andreas
Bosshard and Christian Buess, Joseph Celli, Nicolas Collins and Peter
Cusak, Andrew Culver, James Dashow, Laetitia De Compiegne Sonami and Paul
DeMarinis, David First, David Gearey, Tom Hamilton, The Hub ( John
Bischoff, Chris Brown, Scott Gresham-Lancaster, Tim Perkis, Phil Stone,
Mark Trayle) Jin Hi Kim, Larry Kucharz, Ron Kuivila, Bun Ching Lam, Mary
Jane Leach, Denman Maroney, Benoit Maubry, Dary John Mizelle, Charlie
Morrow, David Myers, Ben Neill, Phill Niblock, Morgan O'Hara, Larry
Polansky, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Don Ritter and George
Lewis, Joel Ryan, Jeffrey Schanzer and Bernadette Speach, Stefano
Scodannibio, David Shea, James Staley, Emile Tobenfeld, David Weinstein,
Reynold Weidenaar

*- 1990 / 1991:* Mary Ellen Childs, Nicolas Collins, Roberto Paci Dalo and
Isabella Bordoni, Nick Didkovsky, Russell Frehling, James Fulkerson, Tom
Hamilton, Sorrel Hays, Eleanor Hovda, Earl Howard, Brenda Hutchinson,
Kumiko Kimoto and Yuval Gabay, Richard Lerman, Bea Licata, Gustavo
Matamoros, Diana Meckley, Gen Ken Montgomery, Ben Neill, Phill Niblock, J D
Parran, Douglas Quinn, Eliane Radigue, Neil Rolnick, Arthur Russell,
Jeffrey Schanzer, Michael Schell, Yasunao Tone and Barbara Held, Livio
Tragtenberg, David Watson

*- 1991 / 1992:* Alex Adriaansens and Joke Brouwers, Clarence Barlow,
Wolfgang Becker-Carsten, Jens Brand and Andreas Sippel, Joseph Celli,
Abigail Child and Ikue Mori with 77 HZ, Philip Corner, Dan Farkas and
Matthew Ostrowski, David First, Steven Hall and Johnny Fu, Haruo Higuma,
Ulrich Krieger, Mary Jane Leach, Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, Phill
Niblock, Larry Polansky, PoMo CoMo, Dieter Schnebel, Dan Senn, David
Soldier and Leslie Vosshall, Johan Vercruysse, Stephan Wunderlich, and
Krzyztof Zarebski and John King

*- 1992 / 1993:* Johannes Fritsch, Werner Durand and Erik Balke and Silvia
Ocougne, Ernstalbrecht Stiebler, Bonnie Barnett, James Fulkerson,
Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Elaine Summers, Davidson Gigliotti,
Malcolm Goldstein, Phill Niblock, Ellen Band, Paulo Feliciano, Jackson Mac
Low and Anne Tardos, Daniel Goode, Morgan O'Hara, Ben Manley, Richard
Lainhart, Tom Hamilton, Phill Niblock

*- 1993 / 1994:* Jin Hi Kim, Hans Peter Kuhn, Madelon Hooykaas and Elsa
Stansfield, J. D. Parran and Carmen Kolodzey, Eliane Radigue, Rafael Toral,
Jane Henry, Jerry Hunt Memorial, Richard Povall, Luc Houtkamp, John
Driscoll, Fung Mei-wah, David T. Dienes, Machine for Making Sense, John
Bischoff, Ed Osborn, Peter Van Riper, Neil B. Rolnick, Neil Leonard and
Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Phill Niblock

*- 1994 / 1995:* Kenneth Gaburo and Herbert Brün, Ken Butler, Elodie
Lauten, Fast Forward, Andrew Neumann, Nicolas Collins, Jens Brand and Waldo
Riedl, David First, Maria Blondeel, Jaap Blonk, Christoph Bangert, Dan
Evans Farkas, Arne Deforce, Hans Peter Kuhn, Phill Niblock, Mario van Horrik

*- 1995 / 1996:* Ernstalbrecht Stiebler, Ron Kuivila, Elise Kermani,
Michael Vorfeld, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Julian Knowles, Manuel Mota, Kyle Gann,
Wade Matthews, Michael Schumacher, Phill Niblock

*- 1996 / 1997:* Shelley Hirsch and Richard Teitelbaum, Tom Hamilton, Roger
Kleier, Morgan O'Hara, Volker Staub, Manuel Mota, Kaffe Matthews, Jim
O’Rourke and Tony Conrad, Pierre Bastien and Karel Doing, Harald Busch,
Matt Rogalsky, Werner Schurmans and Stefaan Smagghe, Paulo Raposo, Peter
Wiessenthaner, Pierre Marietan, Phill Niblock

*- 1997 / 1998:* David Gibson, Ken Montgomery with Andrea Beeman, David
Maranha, David Means, Pauline Oliveros, Jaroslav Koran and Michael Delia,
Nina Goede, Tom Johnson, Victoria Jordanova, Tim Brady, Richard Povall,
Phill Niblock

*- 1998 /1999:* David Watson, Martha Mooke, Paul Panhuysen, Ned Rothenberg,
Dan Senn, David Behrman, Lukas Ligeti, Phill Niblock, David First, Robert
Poss, Paul DeMarinis, Dean Roberts, hans w koch and Andreas Wagner, Adriana
Sá, Ron Kuivila, Lois V Vierk, Zbigniew Karkowski and Atau Tanaka and
Edwin van der Heide, Ryoji Ikeda

*- 1999 / 2000*: Sam Ashley and Jens Brand, Shelley Hirsch, Hans Breder,
Elaine Summers, Judy Dunaway & Dan Evans Farkas, Chris Rice and Ian
Nagoski, Marek Choloniewski and Krzysztof Knittel and WLodzimierz
Kiniorski, Lou Malozzi, John McGuire, Phill Niblock, Thomas Lehn and Gerry
Hemmingway, Elsa Stansfield and Madelon Hooykaas, Alan Licht, Sonia
Rodrigues, Norman Yamada, Christof Migone and Alexandre St-Onge, Haruo

*- 2000 / 2001:* Fast Forward and Michael Evans, Zeena Parkins and Janene
Higgins, Annie Gosfield, Harald Busch and Erhard Hirt, Andreas Weixler and
Se-Lien Chuang, Jon Abbey and Michael Goodstein, Myriam Gourfink and Kasper
Toeplitz, Phill Niblock, Matt Rogalsky, Atau Tanaka, Julian Knowles,
Yasuhiro Otani, Joao Pinto, Fred Lonberg-Holm and Lotte Melin, Brandon

*- 2001/ 2002: *John Butcher and Phil Durrant, Don Ritter, Richard
Lainhart, Annea Lockwood, Robert Poss, Manuel Rocha Iturbide, John Hudak
and Bruce Tovsky, Phill Niblock. Guy De Bievre, Jim O’Rourke, Anne Wellmer,
Elga Ferreira, Michael Northam, Nicolas Collins

*- 2002 / 2003:* December 2002 - Christian Eloy, Al Margolis, Dafna
Naphtali and Hans Tammen, Bruce Gremo, Nick Didkovsky, Amnon Wolman, Phill
Niblock; March 2003 - Stephan Mathieu, Thomas Ankersmit and Jason
Lescalleet, Jason Kahn, Stephen Vitiello, James Fei and Kato Hideki, John
Duncan, Dean Roberts, Margarida Garcia

*- 2003 / 2004:* December 2003 - Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta; Kaffe
Matthews; Peter Zummo and Tom Hamilton; Mary Jane Leach; David Behrman;
Okkyung Lee; Phill Niblock; March 2004 - Marcus Schmickler and Thomas Lehn;
Jo Truman; Robert Engelbrecht, Peter Imig, Moxi Beidenegl, Ignatz Mendez &
Jens Rohm; Angie Eng and Dafna Naphtali; Ruben Verdadeiro; Marina Rosenfeld

*- 2004 / 2005:* December 2004 - Janek Schaefer; Emi Maeda; Benny Nilsen
and Lary Seven; Guy van Belle and Haeyoung Kim; Melvyn Poore; A special
event: Jon Abbey and Tim Barnes DJing; Phill Niblock; March 2005 - Malcolm
Goldstein; Shawn Hansen; Screen Compositions; Janene Higgins; Elliot Sharp;
Christian Marclay; Adam Kendall; Satoshi Takeishi and Shoko Nagai; Andrew
Lampert; Okkyung Lee; Katherine Leiberovskaya; Marie-Helene Parent; Maxime
Rioux-De Le Rochefoucauld; Ursula Sherrer; Michael J Schumacher; Casper
Stracke; Terre Thaemlitz; Jon Wozencroft; Ryoji Ikeda and Christian
Fennesz; Sten Hanson; Florian Hecker and Yasunao Tone; Tom Chiu and David
First; Andre Goncalves; George Brunner and Douglas Cohen

*- 2005 / 2006:* December 2005 - Andor Orand; Alessandro Bosetti; Io
Casino; Matthew Ostrowski; Aernoudt Jacobs, Alexandra Dementieva and Johan
Vandermaelen; o.blaat (Keiko Uenishi); Phill Niblock; March 2006 - Chris
Mann; Katherine Liberovskaya curates: Screen Compositions 2; Nathalie
Bujold; Gerard Leckeyl; Lary Seven; Tony Cokes; Mike Bell-Smith; Angie Eng;
Simon Hostettler; David Weinstein; Katherine Liberovskaya; Al Margolis;
Mika Taanila; The User; Sami van Ingen; Petri Kuljuntausta; Fred Worden;
Tom Hamilto; Paul Devens; Domenico Sciajno; Ido Govrin & Liora Belford;
Yella; Michael Lytle, Nic Didkovsky, Gerry Hemingway; Ulrich Maiss and
Butch Rovan; Kasper Toeplitz

*- 2006 / 2007:* December 2006 - Giles Thomas and Patries Wichers; Andreas
Weixler & Se-Lien Chuang; Andrea Parkins, Yasunao Tone, Maria Blondeel,
Phill Niblock; March 2007 - Jason Kahn and Jon Mueller, Katherine
Liberovskaya curates: Screen Compositions 3; Benton-C Bainbridge; Bobby
Previte; Betsey Biggs; Scott Smallwood and Stephan Moore; Cedrick Eymenier;
Fennesz; Margarida Garcia; Manuel Mota; Kurt Ralske; Micheal Schumacher;
Jennifer Reeves; Anthony Burr; Paul Ryan; Annea Lockwood; Shimpei Takeda;
Michael Vernusky; Bas Van Koolwijk; Gert-Yan Prins; Ines Wickmann; Ingrid
Drese; Johannes Sistermanns, Larry Austin, Michael Fahres, Gerhardt
Muller-Goldboom, Luis Miguel Girao, Hans w Koch and Bettina Wenzel, Robin
Hayward, Adachi Tomomi

*- 2007 / 2008:* December 2007 - Els Van Reil and Chiyoko Szlavnics, Audrey
Chen, Pierre Berthet, Madelon Hooykaas, Marcus Schmickler, Travis Just,
Bernhard Gal, Jens Brand, Phill Niblock; March 2008 - Miya Masaoka. Pierre
Marietan, Christian Kesten, Manuel Rocha Iturbide, Esther Venrooy, Screen
Compositions 4; Liora Belford; Ido Govrin; Kjell Bjorgeengen; Marc Ribot;
Yan Breuleux; Alain Thibault; Alexandra Dementieva; Aernoudt Jacobs;
Richard Garet; Wolfgang R. von Stuermer; Katherine Liberovskaya; Phill
Niblock; Francesca Llopis; Barbara Held; Marlena Novak; Jay Alan Yim; Billy
Roisz; Toshimaru Nakamura; Billy Roisz; dieb13; Folke Rabe, Jean Piche

*- 2008 / 2009:* December 2008 - Katherine Liberovskaya and Anne Wellmer,
Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Jon Abbey and Jason Lescalleet, Stefaan Quix,
Andrew Lafkas and Bryan Eubanks, Francisco Janes, Leslie Ross, Phill
Niblock; March 2009 - Michael Thieke and kai Fagaschinksi, Andre Goncalves,
Margarida Garcia, Barry Weisblat, Kato Hideki and Ursula Scherrer, Screen
Compositions 5; Tali Hinkis; Kyle Lapidus; Katherine Liberovskaya; Al
Margolis; Lillevan; Fennesz; Lillevan; Vladislav Delay; Van McElwee; Tom
Hamilton; Marie-Helene Parant; Jim Bell; Leah Singer; Lee Ranaldo; Fred
Barney Taylor; Bradley Eros; Els Van Riel; Julia Eckhardt; Thomas Buckner
and Matthias Kaul, Zbigniew Karkowski, Alexei Borisov and Jeffrey Surak,
David Daniell; October 2009 - Roberto Paci Dalo and Alexandra Parcaru,
Patrick McGinley, Jim Haynes, Brendan Murray, Anna Holmer, Michael Delia,
Al Margolis, Katherine Liberovskaya
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