[iDC] Where have all the women gone?

Andreas Schiffler aschiffler at ferzkopp.net
Thu Jul 13 15:25:17 EDT 2006

Eric Goldhagen wrote:
> So, from my perspective, the first question is what changes can be 
> made among those that dominate discussions to allow for more diverse 
> participation.
I think list participation revolves mostly around the discussion topic 
no matter what the gender of the reader is. But since topic interest - 
on average - is definitely a gender specific property (for whatever 
reason: genetics, biochemistry, socialization, training and job, etc.) 
we might have a topic bias on the list leading to a contributor bias as 
well. A quick review of the authors who start list threads (in 
Thunderbird - view all as threads, collapse all) points to that ... so 
maybe we need to "seed" the list with more varied topics.
> I'd be very interested in seeing a discussion of what those different 
> communication styles look like in reality and from that discuss how 
> lists can create the space necessary for those other dynamics to exist.
Business - as usual - is very pragmatic about this in their attempt to 
figure how to make us work better and longer ...
(This is also more evidence of the gender bias on that webpages: the 
images sure made me chuckl. But  there are some interesting references 
in the article though.)


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