[iDC] mining open source

Andreas Schiffler aschiffler at ferzkopp.net
Tue Mar 7 10:31:09 EST 2006

adam wrote:
> I think it would be interesting to turn some of the energy spent on FLOSS evangelism into energy for creating good professional documentation on free tools.

Just wanted to mention that, as a FLOSS developer myself, I rarely - if 
ever - spend any time on evangelism.

The state of documentation for open source stuff comes very simply from 
the fact that its work to create good documentation - and its unpaid 
work. For example my SDL_gfx package that is part of many Linux distros 
now, was really developed while working on commercial stuff. I needed 
some functions, wrote the code, then published it. Of course it has 
basic documentation in form of a README.txt and webpage (which is the 
README.txt wrapped in <pre> tags). But other than that, I don't feel 
like making a nice PDF for it ... nor do any of the other thousands of 
people who use the library. In the 4 years of the libraries public 
existence, I've gotten 2 smallish additions as source code contributions 
and a few bug-reports. No documentation or nicely done manuals were ever 
requested or submitted.

Go and ask yourself this question: Which OSS tool are you using right 
now and find inadequately documented (or at least lacking in examples 
and training material). Would you spend 1-2 week of your time to 
research and write documentation, then get it published? And then commit 
to1 day a month for maintaining it for the next few years? And then face 
an interface or API change which makes your documentation partially 

Many projects these days adopt a Wiki structure for documentation - a 
maintainers time-saver, since many people can contribute in parallel and 
its fully searchable. But its not a printed manual. (Example: 

In my view, a well funded "bounty hunt" model would work great. See an 
example for the Gnome desktop project that is funded by Novell:

So the question is: Why do Institutions have no "bounty hunt" budgets 
for their OSS use and deployments?

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