[iDC] Against Web 2.0

Eric Kluitenberg epk at xs4all.nl
Sat May 27 07:27:47 EDT 2006


actually my first posting on this list...

On May 27, 2006, at 11:16, adam wrote:
> being annoyed by these facts obscures the real fact that the web  
> 2.0 or podcast movements (or whatever you want to call it) actually  
> are achieving what many of us
> have been hoping for - ie. dropping the threshold for content  
> production and converting content consumers into content producers
> isnn't complaining about whether its new or not beside the point?

Good point Adam. However, I could imagine one direction where the  
notion could be usefull. You always need buzzwords to explain things  
to people not part of the phenomenon you are trying to promote /  
develop. Web 2.0 could be a good buzzword (or "tenporary general  
denominator" with a suffciently high "vagueness coefficient") to sell  
social software projects to funders. That would be more than welcome  
since they do not buy into the open source / open content story  
anymore (or never did in the first place).


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