[iDC] sharing "new media" curricula/potentials

saul ostrow sostrow at gate.cia.edu
Sat Jan 27 10:48:25 EST 2007

While many of the points so far raised concerning this issue have  
been interesting  morally and ethically, they seem to fall short of  
articulating the problem we are faced with. Instead there seems to be  
an assumption that the problem is one that is already known and must  
be responded to. This has lead in some cases to the assertion of  
implicit political assumptions as well as mechanistic ones.   It  
strikes me as equally foolish, at this time to  to engage in either/  
or discourses that are themselves circumscribed by the narrow  
perspectives of particular practices within a given field - media and  
fine art, et al. Such pragmatism fixes oppositions and subjects  
rather than putting them into circulation.  Seemingly, what is  
required of us is a view that takes into account general as well as  
specific conditions - that is what is the common economy and ecology  
of cultural production, inclusive of education as a process in which  
differing aspects of those network systems that circumscribe and  
arise from these practices are reproduced, replicated and revised 
(reformed.) After all education is cultural production at its most  
fundamental it that it supplies both general and specific skill sets  
that perpetuate,   sustain and structures thought both in general and  
within the specific.

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