[iDC] "The first rule of data centers is...

Janet Hawtin lucychili at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 01:05:58 UTC 2009

The other structures which scope participation along industrial lines are

Copyright is designed for a single point of value and a distributed cost.
We now (again?) create, publish and share in a way which is based on
distributed points of contribution.
The legal model was drafted for industrial entities in a
publisher/subscriber relationship.
The subscribers did have 'peace of their possessions'.
Now that subscribers can create and publish they are treated like industrial
The law and penalties have been made more intrusive and felonious; adjusted
closely around the individual's use of their purchases which are no longer
even considered

Copyright will have to be changed or will break as a model for distributing
related to creating and publishing.

Janet Hawtin
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