[iDC] Intro from EU Freelancers' Movement

Joel Dullroy joel at freelancersmovement.org
Tue Sep 30 13:44:33 UTC 2014

Hello from Berlin,
I'm Joel Dullroy, a researcher and activist in the area of European
freelancers' rights.
I've half-written a book on the topic of freelancer activism, which you can
all read at www.freelancersmovement.org.
We recently completed a campaign for greater political recognition within
the European Union, which attracted the support of over 6500 independent
workers, who signed our five-point manifesto: www.freelancers-europe.org.
I am currently researching mutual, cooperative and collaborative solutions
to freelancers' problems. I believe building our own solutions is necessary
as a parallel strategy, alongside pursuing greater political power by
forming new types of associations and quasi-unions. Interesting examples
are the Dutch Broodfonds (Bread Funds), which is a mutual sickness
insurance scheme for freelancers, and other cooperative home buying models
emerging in Germany.
Unfortunately I cannot attend the conference, but am looking forward to
seeing the documentation.
Get in touch if any of you are in Europe and wish to work on EU freelancer


*Joel DullroyJournalist / OrganizerTel. +49 151 22 88 3212*European
Freelancers Campaign: www.freelancers-europe.org
Independents Unite! (book): www.freelancersmovement.org
LinkedIn: http://de.linkedin.com/pub/joel-dullroy/31/444/380/
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