[Experimental-intermedia] phill niblock events
Phill Niblock
pniblock at compuserve.com
Wed May 1 09:37:22 UTC 2013
I know you've been missingthose emails with my tour info. So here is a biggish one, after my dislocationfrom touring in November 2012.
I'll list the coming onesfirst, and the previous ones second.
An review of the book - Working Title, by Yusef Sayed, is in thecurrent issue of The Wire magazine.
In conjunction with the Phill Niblock Retrospective at Circuit and the Musée de l’Elysée http://www.elysee.ch/
May 3 - Friday Susan Stenger and RobertPoss play Phill Niblock at Le Bourg, Lausanne www.le-bourg.ch
May 4 - Saturday, Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmitat Circuit (Contemporary Art Centre Lausanne - http://www.circuit.li/ )
May 5in Basel - Phill Nilbock and Thomas Ankersmti, at
OSLO 10 |OSLOSTRASSE 10 | CH-4142 MÜNCHENSTEIN | info at oslo10.ch
May 9, Berlin - The festival - Emitter Micro: http://emittermicro.com/
The venue is at the Musik Instrumenten Museum,
The Emitter Micro Festival 2013 will feature performances by PhillNiblock, Thomas Ankersmit, Kim Cascone, Jochen Arbeit+Hopek Quirin, Rinus VanAlebeek+Barbara Lazara, Seiji Morimoto, Louis Laurain, SchneiderTM+kptmichigan, David Gomez (aka Krapoola) and LOUP, as well as workshops andtalks with Peter Cusack, Udo Noll and Derek Holzer.
June 30,6 pm, Pulheim-Stommeln (suburb of Cologne)
AlteKirche St. Martin, Ingendorfer Str, 50259 Pulheim-Stommeln
Aconcert of Phill Niblock, with his music and film:
FeedCornEar, played by Arne Deforce and A Cage of Stars, played by Rhodri Davies,
Part ofthe series raumklaenge, curatorical team: Harald Kimmig and Georg Dietzler
www.raumklaenge.de / www.gerngesehen.de
4th July Walcheturm Zuerich
Tomas Korber+ Konus Quartett "Musik für ein Feld" for electronics and saxophonequartet
PhillNiblock + Konus Quartett "To Two Tea Roses"
PhillNiblock + Tomas Korber, N. N. "Two Lips"
PhillNiblock + Konus Quartett "Sax Mix"
5th July Dampfzentrale Berne
PhillNiblock + Konus Quartett "To Two Tea Roses"
These are ongoing or past.
However, the retrospectivecontinues only until May 12.
Phill Niblock retrospective in Lausanne CH - the exhibition will berealised in partnership between Circuit (Contemporary Art Centre Lausanne -http://www.circuit.li/ ) and the Musée de l’Elysée (the national museum devotedto photography - http://www.elysee.ch/ ), Mathieu Copeland, curator; January 29until May 12, 2013
A review from 1973, of a concert / performance of my Environmentsseries.
A documentary video by Frederick Bernas of Phill Niblock:
Minimalist composer Phill Niblock has been living in his Chinatownloft since the late 1960s, and curating concerts there for almost as long.
This film explores Niblock's work, and tracks its significance forNew York's downtown experimental music scene – past and present...
Published online by The Wire magazine – February 6, 2013.
Watch here: http://www.thewire.co.uk/video/watch-an-exclusive-video-about-phill-niblock
An interview of Phill Niblock by Yusef Sayed:
Concert by Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit, Feb 7 2013
Musee dArt Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg, 1, place Hans-JeanArp
Strasbourg, France www.musees.strasbourg.eu
A book launch for "Working Title",articles about Phill Niblock, edited by Yvan Etienne, published by Les Presses du Réel, with 4 DVDsincluded http://www.lespressesdureel.com/
Saturday February 9 at 7PM at Palais de Tokyo, Paris www.palaisdetokyo.com/fr/
Intervenants : Phill Niblock et Kasper Toeplitz: Atau Tanaka,Mathieu Saladin, Dan Warburton et Anne Roquigny, produced by Patrick Javault
ARANÉIDE (La Danse en Levitation), 14 & 15 FÉVR. 2013
Chorégraphie : Myriam Gourfink / trapèze : Clémence Coconnier / musique: Kasper T.Toeplitz / création lumière : Séverine Rième / réalisation structure: Pierre-Yves Guillaumin.
Phill Niblock, figure américaine du minimalisme,réalisateur de films et compositeur, pour plusieurs pièces emblématiques de sonparcours.
Music and Films by PN, with Kasper Toeplitz, bass guitar and electronics
Le Manège de Reims Scène nationale, King's Fountain, in Reims France
February 19, Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa, Lisbon, Portugal - a jury toselect an artist for a residency at Experimental Intermedia in New York forthis year, the 20th year of the residency, sponsored by the Luso AmericanaFoundation and Gulbenkian Foundation
Phill Niblock and Al Margolis (If Bwana) in Lisbon Portugal
February 21 2013, 10PM
Galeria Ze Dos Bois, Rua da Barroca, nº 59, Lisbon, Portugal
February 27, Café Oto radio broadcast on ResonanceFM London, 10 / 11pm,with Rie Nakajima and Phill Niblock - https://soundcloud.com/resonance-fm/22-00-00-oto-broadcasts-5
Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit, concert, Cafe Oto, 22 AshwinStreet, London, February 28; www.cafeoto.co.uk
The Sonic Art Research Unit atOxford Brookes University are delighted to announce the 3rd annualAudiograft Festival of experimental music and sound art, 25 February–3 March. Featuring liveperformances by Phill Niblock, Daniel Teruggi, Thomas Ankersmit, John Tilbury,Pierre Berthet, Tim Parkinson, Valerio Tricoli, Susanna Borsch,installations by Rolf Julius, Max Eastley, Helmut Lemke, Kathy Hinde andmore. PN and Thomas Ankersmit, March 2 at Modern Art Oxford's basement space
Dither Guitar Orchestra perform Phill Niblock's '2 Lips' at the DitherExtravaganza
There are a bunch pf Phill Niblock videos on "you tube", do asearch
A review of the Café Oto concert. It is preceded by my comments.
Retort comments from Niblock - this concert follows the formthat i have used since the late '60s. i am not a stage front "star".i use the film to be my performance visuals. i choose to work with thematerials i use so that i am not on stage.
the film itself, shot in video in osaka japan in 2009 / 2010(not in the film series that i usually use from 1973 - 1991), was a premiershowing for england, here.
two of the pieces of music will be on a new Touch double CD(out soon), the first piece - FeedCorn Ear, for cellist Arne Deforce, wasfinished and played in lyon in march 2012; the third piece - "TwoLips", played by the Coh Da guitar quartet, recorded in 2011 (a scored piecefor ensemble from 2007) will be on the same touch CDs. neither piece has beenplayed in england before. Sweet Potato has recorded tones by Carol Robinson,and was played live by David Ryan, and is on the re-released touch double CD -Touch Food
as far as i know, Sweet Potato has not been played in londonbefore, and David Ryan was magnificent.
'Phill Niblock at 80' (Café Oto, 28February 2013. Drawing and review by Geoff Winston)
This was, in manyways, a lost opportunity. There had been a fair amount of low-key hype about Phill Niblock's concert at Café Oto,as part of his 80th birthday celebration, coinciding with his retrospectiveexhibition in Lausanne, yet although he was 'in the house', it was just as ashadowy presence, lurking entirely unannounced at the back of the room - eitherat the mixing desk or by the bar.
Given that it wasto be a rare sighting in the UK of an influential figure in the New York'sMinimalist firmament, it would have been fairer to his followers, and thosejust intrigued by the tantilising publicity, to have scheduled a pre-concertconversation with the composer/film-maker, and/or to devise a concert whichinvolved Niblock performing onstage, or at the very least to have introducedhim to the audience before the concert started or at its conclusion. Theclosest we'll get is Frederick Bernas's concise, well-paced short documentary about Niblock.
The net resultwas a curiously impersonal non-encounter, leavened only by David Ryan's excellent interaction onbass clarinet - recalling Dolphy's significant impact on Reich on seeing himlive - during a section of the lengthy 'SweetPotato', a composition from Niblock's Xenakis Centre Paris residency in2001. Sampled tones from the instrument were the partial subject matter ofmulti-tracked, pre-prepared drones of fluidity verging perilously close to thesoporific in the packed, airless room, which played alongside the projection ofan excerpt from his 1988/89 film series, 'TheMovement of People Working', shot in small workshops in China and Japan.
Against theintently observed takes of workshop process, primarily in a fish preparation factory(‘101 Things to do with a Dead Fish’?)and food and veneer production workshops, the dense, minimally accented fluxacted like a soundtrack. The audience, probably drawn by the musical promise,were unwittingly, or cynically, turned into a cinema audience, as the film wasthe only visual focus offered. As with Niblock's non-appearance, one didquestion the validity of constantly recycling his archive films to form thevisual element of a performance/installation; the challenge of creating a newvisual artefact with interactive components for this special event would havebeen much more satisfying.
If the sonicproposition, compelling to a degree as it was, would have offered a morechallenging aspect, building on the kind of intense and expressive involvementthat Ryan demonstrated, then the concert might have taken on a mythicdimension. As it as, it was a bit of a damp squib, as evidenced by the tepidapplause at its termination.
Earlier, in soloperformance, Thomas Ankersmit, afrequent collaborator of Niblock's, got to grips with a two-panel analoguesynthesiser in a flush of synthetic abstraction and imagism which evoked theblustering wind catching the sails out at sea and rhythmic aircraft choppers,with skids and deep drones evaporating in to flickering intrusions and elusivetinnitus-like whistles.
The whole concertcould have been a more imaginatively connected and integrated event and, givenCafé Oto's superb track record, it was a shame that its promise was notfulfilled.
On Saturday, March 02, 2013
JohnsonMemorial Art Building, Middlebury College, Middlebury Vermont, Sunday, March10,
Music and Film / Video by Phill Niblock, Neil Leonard playingsaxophones, produced by Heimo Wallner
Monday, March11, 2013 at 7PM, Wellesley College, Jewett Art Gallery, 106 Central Street,
Wellesley,MA, 02481 - Free and open to the public
Music ofPhill Niblock, Neil Leonard, saxophones
March12 2013, 7 - 9PM; MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology,School of Architecture and Planning, Wiesner Bldg. (E15-224), 20Ames St., Cambridge, MA 02139; Freeand open to the public, act.mit.edu
Event Title: Working Title,A Phill Niblock Book Launch
Join us for the launch of WorkingTitle, a monograph on the avant-garde musician, filmmaker, and performerPhill Niblock. Written in both French and English, the book provides anin-depth look at Niblock’s musical and cinematographic work, as well ashistorical background, philosophical insights and technical advice. The book isaccompanied by two double-sided DVDs of atypical videos: Remo Osaka, a continuation of The Movement of People Workingseries; two separate DVDs of the Anecdotesfrom Childhood; and Katherine Liberovskaya’s 70 for 70 (+1), Seventy (one) Sides of Phill Niblock. The evening includes a live performanceof Two Lips, a piece written byNiblock and recorded in 2011 bythree different guitar quartets. At MIT, TwoLips will be played by studentsfrom the Berklee Interdisciplinary Arts Institute under the direction of NeilLeonard: Yun Yun Huang, Andrew Ikenberry, Jason Lim, Aseem Suri, and WilliamWingnall.
An introduction by Florian Hecker.
Fri, March22, 2013 - 8:00pm, Issue Project Room
ForElectronics and Instruments: Al Margolis and Phill Niblock
at 110Livingston Street., Brooklyn (Greenpoint) Entrance at 22 Boerum Place
In thisevening of live electronics and instrumentalists, Al Margolis premieres a newquartet of bassoonist Leslie Ross, trombonist Monique Buzzarté, live video byKatherine Liberovskaya, and Margolis on laptop. Phill Niblock presents hisnow-classic "Sethwork", a duo for laptop and guitar featuring DavidWatson.
April 6, 8:15pm - CounterflowsFestival, Glasgow, Scotland, at the CCA, Phill Niblock and Thomas Ankersmit http://blog.counterflows.com/
Counterflows is pleased to present for the last session at the CCACounterflows Saturday and as part of the celebrations of Phill Niblock at 80,this intriguing and exciting duo. Ankersmit will perform a short solo set whichthen will lead into the pair performing together and ending with Niblock’s ownmusic and images filling the CCA auditorium with the intense aural experienceand the visual bombardment of his studies of people at work. The set willcontain older pieces and also completely new work. With a career spanning morethan 40 years, Phill Niblock has not only proven himself as one of the mostpreeminent composers of the American musical avantgarde, but also anaccomplished filmmaker and performer.
Amori Water will play at the Listening Gallery,SFCA [isaw+subtropocs] :: studio 101, 924 Lincoln road, miami beach :: untilMay 1, 2013 ::
“Aomori Water is a sound collagepiece made in 1998, in Aomori Japan. I was in a residency with other artists. AJapanese sculptor was making a round house and wanted a sound piece to play init. I recorded some very gentle waves lapping the beach, for the first part.And a very small mountain stream, flowing, for the second part. I layered 8tracks. This was the first work that I did in ProTools.” — Phill Niblock http://turbulence.org/networked_music_review/2013/04/11/phill-niblock-aomori-water/
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