[Experimental-intermedia] Experimental Intermedia March concert series, NYC

Phill Niblock pniblock at compuserve.com
Thu Mar 6 03:34:34 UTC 2014

The Fortieth Anniversary of EIperformances at 224 Centre Street, The Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Foundingof Experimental Intermedia, the Forty-fifth Anniversary of the 224 CentreStreet loft, and, not least, The Twenty-fourth Annual Festival  with nofancy name, Part Two (or B)               
Phill Niblock, curator           
March 2014
BolsaErnesto de Sousa, a memorial fellowship named for the Portuguese IntermediaArtist, sponsored by the Luso-Americana Foundation and the Fundação CalousteGulbenkian, in Lisbon, coordinated by Isabel Alves, presents an intermediaperformance by:  
Pedro Sousa (Portugal)               Friday  7
A Songfor True: Performance for Plural Larynx: "Using as an inspiration -Jerry True, an American saxophonist who used an air compressor to be able toplay saxophone following a throat cancer operation, this composition aims atthe experimentation of the saxophone as an unusual medium for the creation ofdrone music - exploring the microtonal, reflective and acoustic properties ordifferences that are characteristic of these woodwind instruments      http://www.facebook.com/Pedro.Sousa.Musician
Benjamin Thigpen and Stefano Bassanese (USA/Italy/France)           Sunday9
Les Frères Bobine - Paris-basedelectroacoustic composers working regularly at GRM and fascinated by electromagnetismand gesturality; they collaborate on sonic research experiments and performinstant collective compositions based on newly-invented instruments and (silent)magnetic feedback loops; they will perform Les Aimants by Stefano Bassanese, malfunction30931 by Benjamin Thigpen, and a new collective work,Induction
http://www.benjaminthigpen.net;      http://www.stefanobassanese.eu/
https://soundcloud.com/benjamin-thigpen/sets;    https://soundcloud.com/user4482641
Sarah Halpern (New York) A Video Presentation                  Monday10  
Aseries of collages made with printed text, found images and discarded film,mounted onto 35mm leader and projected frame by frame through a film stripprojector; each of these new compositions presents the viewer with suggestivelanguage and imagery, as an experiment in the perception of meaning           sarahhalpern.com  
MaricaRadojčić Prešić (Belgrade, Serbia)  A Video Presentation                           Tuesday11 BRANCHING: - DIGITAL AMBIENT:diffracted projections of 3D animations and video, digital sound, soundeffects; the artist wasinspired by the tree; expertsand public have found the project as a kind of mathematical poetic ambience throughwhich public can walk - the tree is one of the oldest symbols with layers ofmeanings developed through history; old meanings culminated in the twentiethcentury with the mathematical theory oftrees; and the branchingitself, so much more powerful than the human step-by-step traveling through thecrags of its own existence, has a power of growing-up, but also the power ofdisappearance – fatal power of Death         http://youtu.be/Hi82udn6Nr4,http://youtu.be/1e8p3D4JNdU        
Marco Donnarumma (UK)                 Wednesday 12
BiophysicalMusic: This concert includes two music performances, Music for Flesh II andOminous both for the Xth Sense, a biophysical musical instrument I perform withsince 4 years; in these pieces I create music by literally composing in realtime the sounds emitted by my body muscular tissues; by performing physical,whole-body gestures, muscle sounds are produced by my limbs, amplified, livesampled, and diffused through loudspeakers; the natural sound of my flesh andits virtual counterpart blend together into an unstable sonic object; this iswhat I call biophysical music, music that is a joint result of bioacoustic bodymechanisms and physical performance
http://marcodonnarumma.com       http://res.marcodonnarumma.com/xth-sense/
HallveigAgustsdottir (Belgium, Iceland)                Thursday13
FromGraphic Score To Sound Drawing - herperformances are purified reflections on sound and image, finding their rootsin the 'graphic score' as it started to appear in the 1950s in the works ofcomposers such as J. Cage, E. Brown, and M. Feldman; each drawing leads towardsand is at the same time the immediate result of a new composition; theimprovised communication between artist, computer and musician creates anenvironment where sound and image combine and conduct each other - what remainsis a witness; a drawing / a video composition capturing the gesture of drawing,melody and rhythm; with David Watson, collaboration                 http://www.hallveiggkagustsdottir.com/
SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 10 curated by Katherine Liberovskaya             Saturday22
AVideo Presentation
Screen Compositionscelebrates its 10th edition this year! as always a collection of intersectionsof moving image with sonic art; a program of screen works representing dynamictwo-way collaborations between video/ film artists and sound/ music artistsspecifically intended for single-channel projection with no live or performancecomponent; featuring collaborations by: Carlos Casas / Ghedalia Tazartes;Bradley Eros / Rachael Guma; Kit Fitzgerald / Peter Gordon; Richard Garet /Wolfgang Gil; Sarah Halpern / Matt Wellins; Victoria Keddie / Scott Kiernan;Hedya Klein / Bulbul; Carole Kim / Toshimaru Nakamura + Lewis Keller; KatherineLiberovskaya / Al Margolis (If,Bwana); Marie Verry / Yvan Etienne
Our programs are supported by the NewYork State Council on the Arts, The David & Sylvia Teitelbaum Fund, Inc,the Aaron Copland Fund for Music, and the Phaedrus Foundation
224 Centre Street at Grand, ThirdFloor, N Y 10013       
9pm         212 431 5127, 4316430
www.experimentalintermedia.org andwww.XIrecords.org
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