[iDC] new criteria for new media

Jon Ippolito jippolito at umit.maine.edu
Thu Feb 1 21:47:54 EST 2007

I was surprised in January's thread about why universities stink that no one mentioned their narrow definitions of achievement. If you're hoping to expand the focus of academics beyond their navels--or just to credit the ink spilled on this email
list toward your next tenure review--you might want to check out some resources Still Water has contributed to this debate:

"New Criteria for New Media"
A white paper on how to expand promotion & tenure guidelines to include electronic discourse and real-world impact.

"Standards of Recognition"
An expanded version of the white paper in wiki form. You are encouraged to contribute (some folks like Trebor already have).


Participation instead of passivity.
Kinship instead of competition.
Genealogy instead of genius.

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